Projects and Collaborations

Window (Rooms 2 and 3)

Window  (Rooms 2  and 3) is a performance by Dominic Mitchell (Dance) and myself on percussion. The piece explores intersections between masculine identity and the Johari Window  Model - a theory of communication and identity that explores aspects of self  that are known or unknown to oneself or others. The duet engages 'blind spots' - aspects of self that are known to others but outside of one's own awareness, and the 'hidden area/facade' - aspects of self that are known to oneself but kept hidden or protected from the awareness of others - through the lens of masculine gender ideologies and and the traits that normative masculine socialization pressure men to project or keep hidden. 

The piece was performed at Light Box in Detroit as part of Good Men: Letters to Our Future Selves, an evening of performances by eight male-identified artists casually (or causally) investigating the ways in which gender, race, age and stage of life may inform the work they make. The evening was inspired by visiting artist dancer/improviser/choreographer Bob Eisen whose work was also featured.